Apr 23, 2018

I-9 Audits

I received a call the other day from the CEO of a rather large manufacturing firm. They have about 650 employees. She started to tell me about the "knock on the door" they received for an inspection of their I-9 files.The CEO's initial response was that this was no big deal, they have this covered and are happy to give any documents needed on the spot. She even commented on how friendly the request was and that it put her at ease. I am not sure if that was a tactic by the requester or just a nice friendly person.

I guess the first call the CEO made was to their attorney, the second call was to us. I assume they were advised to do a review of all of their I-9's first to get a handle on the documentation and if it is truly up to standard.

We were brought in to do an emergency review of all of the past files for the last 3 years. As you can imagine the initial findings were not pleasing to the CEO.

This stuff is real, and it can turn out to be very costly to fix and solve. Our strongest advice is to do a proactive I-9 audit. A reactive audit, as this case was, can get very stressful and expensive.

Rick Maher


Turning Point HCM

