Down-sizing, Reduction in Force (RIF), or Financial Neccessity
None of it is fun especially those directly affected.
At Turning Point HCM, we understand that RIF's are painfull for everyone involved and this is a time when the employee needs a helping hand and a human touch. That is why our model connects your team to our team and at all times they are speaking and working with our local people. No Artificial Intelligence or off shore resources.
Outplacement Care and Support
All Of Our Clients
Family First, local or regional finanancial institutions
They have between 20 and 500 employees
The want to maintain good community relationships
Their clients and employees are thier neighbors and friends
Problems we Solve
Minimize the pain leadership feels when friends are affected
Help maintain community standing of the leadership and brand
Diminish the potential for negative press or employee actions
Employee leave with less ill-will which could otherwise go "viral"
Three Plan Options, all with these essential features
100% Local People Presence
Our team understands what you and your team have gone through. Our emphasis is on high-touch, high- frequency interaction to help your employees find their next role.
Our Guarantee
We keep going to make sure your employees land on their feet. We offer 30, 60, and 90 day guarantees.
1-on-1 Coaching
This is with our team members directly. No video or cold automation. We are in the trenches fighting the battle. Side by Side