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What is HR Share and How Can it Benefit Me?

The business world has seen many drastic changes these past few months. For some, these changes have been devastating, and for others they are more of an annoyance. No matter how you have been affected by the current economy, we are here to help.

We understand that right now it is hard to feel any semblance of confidence thinking about the coming months. Maybe you have had to furlough some of your employees, or maybe you have had to adjust to working remotely for the time being. But, this will all end. No one can say if that will be next week, next month, or several months from now. Whenever things do start heading back to our old normal, you will want to be ready to hit the ground running.

This is where Turning Point HCM can help. We offer HR Shared services that give you access to an HR platform at the tip of your fingers. There are differing levels of services so that you are only getting what your business needs. For the most basic package we charge $299 a month. With this package you will gain full access to our ThinkHR Platform, including your very own ThinkHR advisor that can answer all of your questions within 48 hours. They are trained to provide you with very detailed answers, providing links to any helpful information. The ThinkHR platform allows you to create company handbooks, job descriptions, access and send employees training courses, plus much more. All of these services are compliant, and you receive updated notifications for each of these services, for each state that your company conducts business in.

If you are looking for something a little more “hands-on,” we also offer our premium package for $999 a month. With this package, you get everything in our basic package, plus so much more. You will get matched with your very own certified HR Professional at Turning Point HCM. This individual will provide you with quicker turn-around times for your inquiries and can give you recommendations on specific action items. This personal HR Consultant will know your company, they will know your team, and they can be a point of access for your employees to contact directly.

According to ZipRecruiter, the average salary for an HR Consultant in New York is $81,000. Without considering overhead for that employee, you are paying upwards of $6,500 a month for the same services you will get with our HR Share program. To learn more about these services, go to, or contact us at to get started today!

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