Required DOL Posters for Remote Employees
Did you know that employers still have a responsibility to make their remote employees aware of the federal and state-required DOL postings? No, that doesn’t mean that remote employees have to post them in their bathrooms, kitchens, or offices at home. There are other options! To stay in compliance with this regulation, employers can do any of the following:
Post these to your company Intranet or a central online location
Sent the posters via email to employees
Mail a physical copy to employees
Federal and State-required posters are typically updated by January 1 of each year and are available in PDF format on the DOL websites. Notice of any changes or updates should be provided to all employees once they occur.
Another way to ensure that you have all required postings is to Ask Liv! She can let you know the federal and state-required DOL postings that you need to have available for your employees. Contact us today to find out more!