
Dec 19, 2022
Time off requests - can employers approve some but deny others?
Our client receives a lot of time off requests around the holidays, more than they can approve. Can they approve some but deny others?

Dec 5, 2022
Can cell phone policies expand to include wearables like smartwatches?
If you have a policy that limits personal cell phone use at work, that can be expanded that to include wearables like smartwatches.

Nov 21, 2022
Protected classes or characteristics - what are they?
Protected classes—also known as protected characteristics—come from several federal laws and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Nov 14, 2022
Can employers make up for an accidental pay shortage in the next pay period?
An employee let us know their paycheck was short. Can the employer wait to pay the difference on their next check?

Nov 7, 2022
What to do about employees discussing monetary bonuses?
A new employee told coworkers that she received a signing bonus - now they’re upset. What to do?

Oct 10, 2022
Suspicious emails "from" employees - PHISHING???
You’ve received suspicious emails that appear to be from employees asking to change their direct deposit information. What should you do?

Sep 26, 2022
How detailed do employers have to be when called for reference checks?
If we get called for a reference, can we just verify the former employee’s dates of employment?

Sep 12, 2022
Can employers provide feedback on clothing?
Can employers provide feedback on a potential hire’s or current employee's clothing?

Sep 6, 2022
Can employers require applicants to have a high school diploma?
Can employers require applicants to have a high school diploma?

Sep 1, 2022
Do companies need to start offering "hangover leave"?
Do you think employee retention would increase with perks like "hangover leave" or "social media scrolling" days?